Water Command: a proprietary Freshwater Automated Distribution System
Seaward Automation’s proprietary Water Command system automates and integrates your vessel’s freshwater distribution, providing seamless control and monitoring of water pumps, tanks, valves, purification filters, and water makers. Designed to optimize efficiency, Water Command ensures reliable water management, reducing downtime and enhancing the performance of your vessel’s freshwater systems.

Key Features and Benefits
Automated Freshwater Movement
Continuous monitoring and control of your vessel’s freshwater system. Automatically control and maintain potable water levels in storage tanks by controlling water intake from dock water feeds, as well as integrating and controlling key freshwater equipment such as RO filters and freshwater makers.
Operational Efficiency
Ease Of Use
System Operation
Advanced Sensors
Sensors located around your vessel’s freshwater system provide real-time feedback allowing our automated system to ensure proper system pressure, tank levels and equipment operation is maintained as well as alert users of possible equipment failures such as failed pumps, empty storage tanks, or clogged water filtration systems.
Fail-Safe Mechanisms
Incorporating redundant fail-safe features such as automatic pump lead-lag, level monitoring, and pressure monitoring allows vessel owners and captains to be notified of possible equipment issues before they occur.
Automated Controls
Automated control of freshwater filling for fishing vessels and motor yachts eliminates the need for manual filling of freshwater storage tanks and reduces water usage by avoiding unnecessary over-filling of freshwater tanks.
Remote Monitoring
Capability for remote monitoring and control, allowing captains and operators to oversee their vessel’s freshwater system from a distance for added convenience.
System Design & Implementation
When implementing a Seaward Automation Freshwater System on a vessel, Seaward Automation takes the following into consideration:
New Vessel Manufacturers
System implementation and product specification for vessel manufacturers, ensuring seamless integration in new vessel construction.
Retrofit Of Existing Vessels
Tailoring the system to suit specific vessel configurations, such as freshwater piping layout, type and number of water pumps, number of freshwater storage tanks, and types of water makers and water filtration equipment.
Provide comprehensive training for OEMs and vessel owners on proper automated system operation and maintenance.